Promotional T-shirts

Promotional t-shirts are usually available in several colors and sizes, but the most important thing is that you can get larger quantities of t-shirts in the same model and color. And, of course, that the same T-shirts are available for a longer period of time - usualy for several years.

If you already know which t-shirt model suits you, but you couldn't find it in this online store, let us know. We can most likely supply it to you. Or we will advise you which alternative t-shirt will be most suitable.

Basic features of promotional products, especially promotional t-shirts:

- a permanent and larger stock of products that you can order on the fly for several years in a row

- a large selection of models, colors and sizes

- the price range usually very consistently follows the quality of the products

- traceability of the entire path of product creation, including certificates

- constant product quality, whereby you can choose the level of quality depending on the purpose for which you are ordering the t-shirts.

- most products are suitable for printing, as the manufacturers take into account the fact that you will probably want to print the products with your graphics and logos

- you can mark all promotional products with your brand


T-shirt colors

The right T-shirt color can be found for each logo

Different manufacturers offer different shades of t-shirts. Most stick to a classic t-shirt color palette, offering t-shirts in shades of black, white, red, blue, green and yellow. Some also offer pastel, melange and other special colors. We can provide a list of t-shirts that are closest in colour to you special pantone or cmyk color, just ask us for the list.


T-shirt sizes

There are size sheets to make it easier for you to order shirts

Depending on the purpose of your purchase, we can advise you to use different T-shirt sizing keys. The keys differ for t-shirt models (if you buy mainly women's, men's, children's t-shirts, or if you want a unisex version, for example).

T-shirt models

Is a unisex model enough or do you need men's and women's cuts?

The advantage of the unisex t-shirt cut is, of course, that you cut your stock in half.

Most "men's" t-shirts are actually unisex and women like to wear them too. This is especially true for some of the newer models, which are really well cut and fit women too.

Printing and embroidery or decoration of textile products

Of course, all shirts can also be printed or embroidered. Send us an inquiry.